Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Chemistry Shapes of Molecules - Understanding Shapes Of Molecules

Chemistry Shapes of Molecules - Understanding Shapes Of MoleculesChemistry shapes of molecules are quite often overlooked and even outright denied by the majority of people who believe in the theories of science, that these mixtures and formations cannot be formed. This is certainly wrong, because many of these mixtures and formations are actually too complex for the minds of most laymen to understand.However, the shapes of molecules and shapes of pure substances are important, no matter how much science we do and what we can have knowledge of these things. There will always be disagreements among us when it comes to how certain things can be defined and this is especially true when it comes to shapes of molecules. Many of us tend to deny the idea of shapes of molecules when they see one.This is because there are many different shapes of molecules that have been made and some of them are quite simple. Still, scientists' peers alike do recognize that these shapes and patterns can't be explained away. Still, we still maintain that what shapes of molecules and what mixtures of these mixtures are being formed are beyond our comprehension.Why should we care about these shapes of molecules? Because these shapes have a direct effect on the function of many different things, these mixtures and formations of pure substances and mixtures of mixtures. That is to say, we should all care about the shapes of molecules and pure substances if we would like to have a better understanding of the world around us and its entire functioning.How would you like to be able to form the shapes of mixtures with ease, the shapes of pure substances without much effort? How would you like to learn how to reduce the heavy metal contamination in your body without too much difficulty? These are some of the things that shapes of molecules can change and help with.Shapes of molecules and the shapes of pure substances also affect the amount of various hormones and other chemicals in our bodies. T hese shapes would greatly affect the rate of metabolism and the immune system. These shapes of molecules and mixtures of mixtures would also affect our daily living, as well as our appearance and even our brains.The shapes of molecules and the shapes of pure substances would also change the functions of the neurotransmitters within our brains. The same goes for our nervous systems, the conditions of our bones and the fat that is stored in our bodies. You name it, the shapes of molecules and shapes of pure substances could change it.These are just some of the things that shapes of molecules and shapes of pure substances could help with. There are still other shapes of molecules that could affect the levels of things, but I believe that this brief article has given you a good summary of what I mean.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Finding A Good Tutor For Computer Science In Medina Ohio

Finding A Good Tutor For Computer Science In Medina OhioIn today's society, to be a computer scientist is just like being a doctor. If you have a degree in computer science, then you are an expert in the field. This is why one must enroll in one of the top universities for computer science in Medina Ohio, where this subject is taken very seriously.It is true that one may think that all that one needs to do is to take a course for computer science, write some papers and send them in for grading. But this is not the case. Before you can be hired for a job in the field, you need to pass a variety of tests. These include the GRE or Graduate Record Examination, as well as the ICSLE exam and so on.Tutors in computer science in Medina Ohio, should help students with their academic studies. They need to maintain a classroom environment that helps students and instructors learn together. These factors should be taken into consideration when choosing a school.Nowadays computer science is not j ust taught in a classroom. You can take courses online from the comfort of your home. Many institutions offer online courses and this gives students the flexibility to study whenever they want. Some institutions also offer community college courses, which are part of a higher education system.Online classes enable students to study at home without having to travel to other places. Moreover, tutors can be found all over the world. Online tutors are experts in the field and can advise their students on what courses to choose, so that they become proficient in the field of computer science.In online classes, the tutor must teach students at a pace which is comfortable for them. The tutor must be able to offer support to students, giving tips on how to solve problems, so that they can proceed with their studies and be successful. These aspects are also important in helping students become experts in the field.Tutors in computer science in Medina Ohio also need to possess a great deal of knowledge in order to have the right attitude. They must be able to look at students as individuals, as well as be able to understand them. Their knowledge in the field is a necessity for them to be able to help students succeed. They must also be able to motivate students and guide them to stay motivated as they go on with their studies.

Sally E Organic Chemistry Tutor Game Review

Sally E Organic Chemistry Tutor Game ReviewSally E Organic Chemistry Tutor is a fast paced game that teaches students the fundamental concepts of chemistry and organic chemistry. The game features a two-player mode with two different teams as opposed to single player mode, and a choice between either a round-based or a time-based system. The round-based system allows players to create their own teams according to their preferences, while the time-based system utilizes a set of increasingly difficult 'tests' to measure progress over time.It's difficult to fully describe the game without giving away some major spoilers, but I will say that the one thing that you will have to understand if you're looking for some good fun in the classroom is that it's not a simulation of a real life study. Instead, it is a light, humorous introduction to organic chemistry education. When you've mastered the game, you will find that you'll have learned something even more valuable than knowing about the molecular structure of certain compounds. This game will give you something to look forward to for many years to come.I've never played a game this quickly before and that comes with a big warning, I must warn you before you buy the game, because in order to play the game, you have to be online at a given time. You will need an internet connection to connect to the website and play the game. If you are unable to do so, your ability to play the game might be very limited.There are a number of different ways to play the game. You can choose between the single player mode, which enables the player to set up their own chemistry lab; the option for a round-based mode that requires more than one person to complete a test; and the time-based mode. In this mode, you will not be able to play when everyone else is online.Well, you know I'm just going to tell you right now that I am an advocate of playing this game. I feel that it is a very educational way to learn organic chemistry and if you don't believe me, then think about it for a moment, why wouldn't you want to teach your children about this chemical formulae, if they are going to be getting a degree in it?You can choose from one of the fifteen different laboratories. As you do so, you will be provided with a variety of virtual ingredients, chemicals, and instrumental measurements. The choice of the materials, and the material elements that the students use in the chemistry experiments, are controlled by a game engine. These materials will actually come into play during the actual game.In the full adventure mode, you will have the opportunity to choose the materials that you will use, the categories and style of play, and other choices, depending on what level you choose. You'll have the option to choose one of the following options: you'll have the choice between a simulated lab environment (the usual selection of chemicals, instruments, and all), or you can choose to play as a real scientist, acquiring real-lif e knowledge as you try to learn more about the chemical substances that you will be using in the laboratory experiments. In either case, you will be faced with an assortment of questions that you will have to answer in order to pass the tests in order to continue on to the next level.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Dispersive Forces Definition Chemistry - Knowledge For Students

Dispersive Forces Definition Chemistry - Knowledge For StudentsIt is very important for students to understand the elements and other conditions in terms of dissipation, dispersion forces, or the removal of an impurity. This kind of knowledge can be very helpful for students as they will be able to find out how to cope with different chemical processes and ensure their safety.When it comes to chemical processes, the last thing that one needs to consider is the safety of the student. They should never rush to such things and definitely not make any research without considering the consequences of their actions.Science and technology are two concepts that are always closely linked. People have always been curious about the other because of the logical and experimental nature of both concepts.On one hand, it is the common goal of every science student to have a more complete understanding of these two terms and try to tackle those tasks that they feel would be challenging. If you ever t hought about it, the English language is actually more similar to chemistry and other sciences than to the scientific terms. So the only difference that you will have to make in order to understand this term is to make a mental note on its basic parts.These parts include: the basic elements like the atoms, molecules, and the combination of them into simpler forms, and the physical properties that are involved. The last part involves the most obvious part of all, the force that causes the molecules to stick together. The internal dissipation forces can be said to be the cause behind chemical processes that are continuous, which are activities, which can be executed by organic and inorganic materials.Most of the science teachers teach students the fundamentals of chemistry. They also teach them how to apply these principles when conducting any researches or studies. If you ever want to keep your educational career open, it is best that you study science so you will be equipped with th e knowledge of the physical and chemical properties.This is not an easy process for the students, but it is very essential because they will be able to make a career out of it. All the students must remember to study hard if they want to make a career of their own. Once you are done with your studies, you will have to show your achievements to the rest of the world so that you will be able to go back home and make your own profession.

The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom Brings Opera to the Masses ChaptersSynopsis: Phantom of the OperaThe Story Behind the StoryDeveloping the Show: Baron Lloyd Webber’s ProcessOpening Night: Get Your Phantom of the Opera Tickets!Since the early days of civilisation, societies have been structured around social classes.Indeed, even in the supposedly classless society ideals espoused by Karl Marx and others, inevitably, some would rise above others, if only to oversee the equitability of the masses.This social stratification is seen in all aspects of human life including entertainment.Traditionally, the upper echelons treated themselves (are treated?) to refined pastimes â€" literature, equitation (to do with horses) and, of course, the opera.Generally speaking, people considered the lower echelons had neither time nor money to sit around reading and they certainly had no means to afford the care and feeding of pleasure horses.In a sense, this hypothesis drives home the irony of an erudite man from a well-positioned family taking a literary work and, through music, rendering it appealing to everyone.The Phantom is not just a mysterious, disfigured, masked man with a passion for music.He is the symbol of every muted voice that ever needed to be heard. He is mystery and romance; the universal hope that one redeeming quality can excuse the unmitigated horror of being and the struggle of rising above one’s lot in life.He also underscores the fact that one needs friends â€" or, at least, willing conspirators. Whether they’re tricked into being willing is another story.Baron Andrew Lloyd Webber, through his elegant, intricate musical phrasing, presents this phantom as a sympathetic, romantic yet ultimately dangerous character.Hark! Do you hear the Music of the Night?It is time to take off the masques, part the curtain and let our souls take flight. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSynopsis: Phantom of the Opera The love never dies - you can purchase tickets to The Phantom in Toronto, too! Source: Wikipedia Credit: S. ShankarThe show opens by looking back.It might seem incomprehensible, at first, why there is an auction of theatre props and fittings going on until spectators realise what is happening on stage; it is the broken chandelier that gives things away.As soon as it is unveiled â€" dusty, derelict and forlorn, we intuit something big is about to happen and we are not disappointed. The chandelier is restored to glory as it rises to the ceiling.Now, the show can begin.Having travelled 30 years back in time, we arrive to find the new owners of the theatre inspecting their purchase.Carlotta, the theatre company’s soprano and quite the prima donna, bursts into song â€" her way of signalling that she is the reason that people buy tickets to their shows.Obviously, somebody is not pleased with her. A backdrop falls to the ground, making a loud clatter and raising a cloud of dust. Carlotta expresses her outrage â€" how dare anyone interfere with her performance! The chorus line trembles in fear.The owners are nonplussed.Why did that backdrop fall? Why are the chorus girls frightened? Is Carlotta so badly injured that she cannot perform on opening night?That’s just what they need! With their mounting debt and expenses climbing ever higher… Quickly, they try to patch over the incident but Carlotta will have none of it. She is tired of these freak occurrences. She storms out, cloaked in righteous indignation.Who, then, will step into her shoes?Ingenue Christine Daaë acquits herself admirably. She is hastily sent for fittings and rehearses songs for the next show, hour after hour, alone in her chambers. Alone?All is well up till now; from this point, the tale takes a darker turn.Someone is lurking in the passages of the old opera house; someone who has an agenda. We don’t yet know what it is but we know for certain that Christine plays a role because of the voice w hispering to her from beyond the walls of her room.Orphaned at a young age, remembering the words of her beloved father, she is sure that it is the Angel of Music guiding her career, the angel that was promised to her.Her fearlessness, indeed her acceptance of this supposed angel emboldens the ghost of the Paris Opera house. He grows bolder in his manifestations, eventually making contact.From there, the show descends â€" into the bowels of Paris and into madness. Unlike the madness on display in the musical Chicago, this derangement is more subtle.No other popular musical takes quite the dark turns that The Phantom does… Much like the Phantom's theatre, Her Majesty's London Theatre also suffered misfortunes Source: WikipediaThe Story Behind the StoryAs with other shows Andrew Lloyd Webber collaborated on such as Jesus Christ Superstar and Cats, this one too has its roots in literature; specifically a book of the same name by French author Gaston Leroux.Were that novel merely a work of fiction â€" like Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, this segment would be very short and we could move on to other aspects of the show â€" how many awards it has won and the legion of devoted fans it has gained.The remarkable backstory of The Phantom deserves its moment in the spotlight.There is indeed an opera house in Paris with a subterranean lake; it is called Palais GarnierFrench firefighters use this lake as a training ground still todayThis Palais is indeed said to have been haunted by a ghost named ErikErik was presumably the son of a builder, born deformed. He travelled the world as a conjurer before establishing himself as a builderHe built many of the secret passages that feature in the story (and the musical)Christine Daaë is based on a real singer named Christina Nilsson, an operatic soprano and rival to the era’s most famous diva, Adelina PattiThe strangeness doesn’t end there.The author, Mr Leroux, came from wealth but squandered his inheritance and was forced to seek employment.As a reporter for a Paris daily, his assigned beat was the courts and the theatre. He travelled often for work but always returned to Paris. On the road for his various assignments, he indulged his passion for macabre and mystery by devouring the works of Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle.He soon turned out a dramatic, mysterious work of his own that met with moderate success but it wasn’t until the story of the Opera Phantom that he gained notoriety.By strange coincidence, Charles Dickens’ second novel, Oliver Twist, also published in instalments in a newspaper, was made into a musical…Developing the Show: Baron Lloyd Webber’s ProcessHot off the West End smash hit Cats, Mr Lloyd Webber approached the producer of that show about mounting another production together, something more romantic. He thought The Phantom story could work but he needed to do more research.Those two geniuses of musical theater sat through both film versions of the story, each of which left them wondering how to turn the story they’d seen into a stage musical. For a while, it seemed the project was doomed.And then, Mr Lloyd Webber got his hands on a copy of the book. Suddenly, the way to make the show come together was clear.Mr Lloyd Webber then suffered a series of setbacks worthy of the Phantom's meddling.He approached American lyricist Jim Steinman but that prolific lyricist was working feverishly on Bonnie Tyler’s new album and couldn’t spare the time.He then invited the legendary Alan Lerner (of the songwriting team Lerner and Loewe), another great name in musical theater circles. Mr Learner became gravely ill soon after signing on to the project and had to abandon it.His work on the song Masquerade, virtually unchanged, is not credited on the playbill.Finally, Richard Stilgoe, with whom Mr Lloyd Webber collaborated on the rock musical Starlight Express, joined in, writing most of the show’s lyrics. With some contributions by Charles Hart â€" who wrote Think of Me, the creative team finally put the show together. One of many odd coincidences of this show: The London Theatre it premiered at was Her Majesty's; the Broadway theatre is called The Majestic Source: Wikipedia Credit: AJ SureshOpening Night: Get Your Phantom of the Opera Tickets!After a trial run â€" just a run-through of the songs at Mr Lloyd Webber’s home, during which the songs were tweaked a bit, the show opened at Her Majesty’s Theatre in October 1986.In fact, it is still playing there; The Phantom is the West End’s second-longest-running show.Across the pond, on Broadway, The Phantom of the Opera previewed at the Majestic Theatre on the 18th of January 1988; it officially premiered on January 26th.Phantom enthusiasts can buy tickets now; that production too is still running. In fact, The Phantom of the Opera is the longest-running show in Broadway history.The show’s popularity compelled it to go on the road: not only was there a troupe that toured the UK but the American theatre company mounted a North American tour whi ch included Canada.Since its world premiere over 30 years ago, The Phantom has entertained audiences from Argentina to Korea and practically every place in between â€" it has graced stages in 28 countries and has been translated into multiple languages.Some productions remain true to the original premise while others infuse the story with cultural elements specific to the country it plays in.With all of that popularity, you would think there would be an award bestowed on it… has it garnered as many as The Lion King, do you think?The original London production took every Olivier Award possible save for the Best Show Designer category, for which it was nominated. Two subsequent revivals took awards for Most Popular Show and Magic Radio Audience.The original Broadway production… is so award-laden!It took the Drama Desk Award in every category save Outstanding Musical and Outstanding Actress â€" possibly because Sarah Brightman, who played Christine, was not renowned at the time. St ill, she was nominated for the award.As for Tony Awards, it was nominated for Best Choreography, Best Book of a Musical and Best Score. Phantom won the Tony Award for every other category, from Best Musical to Best Lighting Design.Even people not particularly warm on the idea of musical theatre love Phantom, especially now that it has been made into a film starring the luminous Emmy Rossum as Christine and the surprisingly credible Gerard Butler as The Phantom.Is The Phantom a show for the ages?In spite of its sinister undertones - stalking and obsession, it seems likely, judging by the ongoing audience response. For many, this masterpiece serves as their introduction to musical theatre â€" could there be a better show for that?Maybe Hamilton, the latest Broadway musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda…

How Students Can Become National Bloggers

How Students Can Become National Bloggers How cool would it be if you could start your college application essay with: Im a nationally published writer? That is possible, and it would definitely wake up whoever is reading your application essay. The Huffington Post and the Patch (a network of over 800 hyper-local news sites), both owned by AOL, are currently recruiting bloggers (age minimum is 13). Right now, you can easily become a blogger and actually publish articles on the Patchs website, which is read primarily by local audiences. The content provider has about 800 full-time writers, and it has asked all of them to recruit at least 10 writers each for a total of 8,000 writers. In other words, they are begging for people to sign up and post articles. You can sign up at Patch's website. Simply pick the area you want to post in and click the green button want to blog on the patch. Then, register and hope they select you as a blogger. The Patch publishes local reviews about restaurants, shopping centers etc and the occasional opinion piece. However, the Patch and the Huffington Post are getting ready to launch a national blog, HuffPost High School. This blog will be unique because it will be the only site on Patch that is written and edited by high school students, according to Forbes. On occasion, weve partnered with parents and schools to provide young journalists with the opportunity to have their voices and stories heard, a Patch spokeswoman told Forbes. As HPMG (Huffington Post Media Group) will soon be launching HuffPost High School, well be expanding our sharing platform to teens. The blogs editor will be Myles Miller, a 17-year-old student. Miller will be paid; however, none of the other bloggers will be paid. That announcement sparked serious outrage and lawsuits against the publisher. The Patch and the Huffington Post have already received a lot of criticism for recruiting and not paying community bloggers. Critics believe they have exploited writers, and that the publisher has now gone too far by recruiting minors. The site will continue to profit on advertising revenue, which has elicited a response from Simon Dumenco at Advertising Age, encouraging advertisers to boycott buying space on the page. However, this could be a springboard for many aspiring young writers. Through Patch, High school students could have the opportunity to publish articles to a national audience. Students could then write a college application essay about how many readers they have attracted, which could impress admissions officers.

A Columbia University College Experience

A Columbia University College Experience The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Amy is currently a student at Columbia University studying human rights, English, and business management. She specializes in many areas of SAT tutoring, in addition to other subjects. See what she had to share about her experience at Columbia University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Amy: Columbia blends the best of both worlds with its urban setting and homey campus. Though exploring skyscraper-filled New York City is always fun, it can be a relief to come home to a school dominated by a blend of classical and modern architecture. As for transportation, Columbia has its own subway stop right outside the Broadway gates for students the city isnt very car or bike friendly, unfortunately. Ive never felt unsafe on or in the areas surrounding campus, either; police escorts and emergency services are always readily available. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Amy: Columbia prides itself on a culture of the love of intellectual pursuit, and its professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants certainly contribute toward that mold. Both students and professors embrace challenge and curiosity in the classrooms; office hours for professors are packed with students discussing everything from general theories to paper topics. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Amy: Interestingly, students receive lots of opportunities to score single rooms their freshman year. Certain dorms are more coveted than others, but freshmen seem to be generally satisfied (and even proud) of their residence halls. Im in the social, all-first-year dorm, and I couldnt imagine myself living anywhere else. Theres never a dull moment, and I have opportunities to meet new people every day in the elevator, at residence hall events, and through mutual friends. As for dining, Columbia has three main dining halls that offer a wide variety of selections. The dining staff always tries to provide vegetarian and vegan options, too, and locally sources a lot of produce from nearby neighborhood farms. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Amy: A wide variety of majors are represented at Columbia, but the university does a good job of providing support for every department regardless of its size. Popular majors include the social sciences, computer science, and various engineering fields, but interdisciplinary pursuits are encouraged as well. Im actually studying a strange combination: Im double majoring in Human Rights (with a specialization in Political Science) and English, and concentrating (essentially the universitys term for a minor) in Business Management. I really appreciate Columbias flexibility in allowing me to combine such different pursuits into one streamlined form of study, and Ive definitely received lots of support from academic advisers and professors, too. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Amy: Ive been very satisfied with the opportunities Ive received to meet new people and make new friends. The unique thing about Columbia is that its less of an enclosed campus, meaning people will go out into the city to explore rather than staying in, so meeting people requires a bit more energy and proactivity. Greek life definitely is present on campus and is growing, but is in no way an integral part of Columbias social scene. It can be a great way to find a community, but probably just due to geographical factors concerning housing, Columbias Greek scene isnt as traditional as one one might find at a big state school. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Amy: The Center for Career Education is great and is available for students as a resource to find internships and jobs downtown. Columbia recognizes the worth of internships in a students career, and offers significantly less classes on Fridays to give students a day to work at a job/internship if need be. The university also hosts lots of career fairs, in which companies from high-level investment banks to local startups to nonprofits come to campus to recruit Columbia/Barnard students for part-time/full-time job opportunities. New York City is one of a Columbia students greatest resources for job searching, simply because it offers something for everyone from the engineer to the journalist to the aspiring researcher. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Amy: Butler Library is a huge, beautiful structure that resembles an Athenian temple more than it does a study space. Its the go-to for most students for late-night sessions, open 24-7 for all cramming needs. During midterms and finals, it gets pretty difficult to find a spot inside the library, so students turn to other study spots around and outside campus. Describe the surrounding town. Amy: Youll never get bored at Columbia: on campus or off campus, theres always something going on. Even exploring the couple of blocks surrounding campus never gets old! Theres everything from restaurants to bookstores within Columbias vicinity, and most students will spend a Friday or Saturday night hanging out with friends at Mels or 1020, two popular bars within walking distance. Of course, New York City has a bustling nightlife scene downtown. Students can visit a club in East Village or check out a jazz venue near Chelsea Pier. Columbia students also get free admission to museums like The Met or MOMA with their student IDs, so a lot of students spend Saturday afternoons art-gallery hopping. Central Park is also about six blocks from campus, so when the weather is nice, students can study, relax, or even picnic in the park. The campus is also bordered by Morningside Park and Riverside Park, great for morning runs or just a change of scenery. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Amy: Columbia definitely has a larger number of graduate students, but each undergraduate class has about 1400 students, which is pretty sizable, too. Some lecture classes have a large amount of students, but Columbia actually offers lots of seminars that have no more than 15 or 16 people. Personalized educational attention carries a lot of intellectual value, and many professors and students prefer the personalized, seminar-style approach to large lecture halls. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Amy: Columbias most prized intellectual tradition is its Core Curriculum, a set of classes every student attending the university takes. This semester, Im in Literature Humanities, dedicated to round-table discussions of a Western literary canon that includes works from ancient Greek poets to Dostoyevsky. Its a lot of reading and writing, but my entire class gets together regularly before midterms and tests to have study sessions in somebodys dorm room. Columbia recognizes the bonds students who go through the Core together form, and Im no exception Ive definitely made friendships and connections as a result of the Core. Check out Amys tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.